Author Archives: Michaela Löfflerová
Prahaton 2018- Grab your Czech friend and come!
Do you live in Prague? Yes? So grab your Czech friends and come to Prahaton on April 21! We have been organising Prahaton, smart city ...
Why Bologna and Padova should be the next place you visit in Italy
Rome, Pisa, Venice....they are stunning, but crowded and overpriced. Enjoy real Italy! Go to Bologna or Padova, meet locals, have a ...
Welcome to Venice!
Moji únorovou cestu po Itálii jsem zakončila v Benátkách. Datumově jsem se sice netrefila do slavného karnevalu, ale i tak jsem ...
Mt Vesuvius and Pompeii
Do you miss summer vibes? Go for a weekend to Naples! I wasn´t expecting a lot from this region and surprisingly I was really amazed ...
Transylvania road trip itinerary
I went to Romania in November for a weekend. Diana had visited me during my Erasmus in Portugal and I went to visit her this year. I ...